Yokomo MD1.0 RC drift tuning and setup

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Vloženo před by admin
86 Zobrazení
Once again attempting to explain my tuning and setup theory on my Yokomo MD1.0 rwd rc drift car. This really is an awesome drift chassis out of the box but also has some of its own quirks that make it a little more challenging to tune. I’ve made some of my own tuning changes based off the body I run on this chassis and also the surface I drive it on. Just remember that all the tuning and setup is very subjective with your own individual driving style, car weight, electronics setup and body so no one setup will be perfect for every individual user. So many variables come into play with tuning a rwd RC drift car and I think that makes it fun! When you make a simple change and notice a significant improvement in the driving characteristics, really makes this hobby enjoyable for me and I hope some of what I share with you can be beneficial in helping you setup your chassis for some awesome drifting experiences!

Thanks for checking out this video and please subscribe if you enjoy this type of content as I’ll be making more RC drift tuning videos in the future and let me know if you like it with a thumbs up and or a comment, I’ll catch you guys on the next one!
On road

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