XXXL MiG-17 RC Jet meets GIANT SCALE F-104 Starfighter - RC Flight Day Hausen a. A.

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A giant scale RC F-104 Starfighter meets a XXXL RC MiG-17 fighter jet at the 42nd Flight Day in Hausen am Albis, Switzerland. The video shows the turbine start-up, flight preparations and the RC flight, as well as take-off and landing.

The RC Flight Day ("Flugtag") Hausen am Albis is a highly anticipated event dedicated to remote-controlled (RC) aircraft in Switzerland. This unique and thrilling airshow brings together RC aviation enthusiasts from near and far. Held on the local airstrip nearby the village of Hausen am Albis, the event showcases a wide array of RC aircraft, ranging from scale models to high-performance jets. Spectators are treated to mesmerizing aerial displays as skilled RC pilots demonstrate their precision flying skills and perform daring maneuvers. The event offers a platform for RC enthusiasts to showcase their meticulously crafted and intricately designed aircraft, captivating the audience with their attention to detail and technical prowess. Flugtag Hausen am Albis is a must-attend event for anyone passionate about RC aviation, providing an immersive experience that celebrates the artistry and excitement of remote-controlled flight.

#rc #scalemodel #rcplane
RC Stíhačky

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