Xray XB4 2020 - A Main Leg 1-3 - Megadrom Racing Series #3

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229 Zobrazení
First race with my Xray XB4 2020! Many mechanic issues on Saturday ???? but qualifyings went great! I started from the pole position ✌???? In the Mains Lennert and Hakan were faster and more consitant, but I managed to become third with having again mechanical issues in Leg 3 ???? Overall the car is super fast, I‘ve never driven a better one! Now I must figure out the issues with the car, but I‘m really happy with my third place in the first race ???????? Big thumps up for my mate Kai (4th) who had to learn the track and Marcel from Addicted RC with his awesome Tekno EB410.2 on 5th place ✌????
Now looking forward for the next race on Dec 29th! ????????
RC Auta On road Off road

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