XFly T-7A Red Hawk| 64mm EDF Jet

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The XFly Model T-7A Red Hawk 64mm EDF jet is an easy-to-fly and versatile trainer jet for a wider variety of experienced pilots to enjoy — including those with limited EDF experience. The 4S-compatible brushless motor and 40-amp ESC that are matched to a 12-blade 64mm fan deliver an abundance of speed, thrust and a turbine-like sound compared to other models in its class.
Use the included fixed landing gear with steerable nose wheel to taxi, take off and land on paved, packed dirt or grass surfaces at large parks and fields. Or leave the landing gear off for more speed and vertical performance plus easy hand launches and landings on grass. With stability it's a scale jet that flies smooth and handles like a sport jet. Be the first at your flight field to own what is surely one of the best and rare EDF jets available today!


-Scale replica of the iconic aircraft flown by the U.S. Air Force for training and other missions.
-Powerful 4S-compatible outrunner motor with 12-blade 64mm fan delivers excellent top speed and vertical performance plus turbine-like sound
-Excellent vertical performance and speed compared to other micro class EDF models.
-Fast and precise factory-installed digital servos with ball-link equipped linkages
-Strong removable landing gears and steerable nose wheel.
- Magnetic top hatch with clear canopy, cockpit detail and pilot figure
-Lightweight yet strong and durable EPO construction

More info of the T-7A RED HAWK 64mm EDF Jet at:
RC Stíhačky

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