X-FLY SWIFT 2100 64MM EDF POWER REVIEW by FGFRC #aviation #rcjets #rc

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This is one of the coolest EDF jets I own! The X-Fly 2100 EDF powered glider is amazing! Very Stable and an absolute blast to fly! ! I was surprised at the amount of power that little edf unit has! I purchased the X-Fly Swift 2100 Power Glider from Banana Hobby and purchased the optional EDF unit.
Plane specs:
Wingspan 2100mm (82.7 in)
Length 1050mm (41.3 in)
Flying Weight Approx 1350g (3 lb)
Wing Load 38.5g/dm2
Wing Area 35dm2
CG (Center of Gravity) 50mm from the leading edge
EDF Drive System (Optional, Not Included) 2627-KV4600 inrunner brushless motor w/ 12-blade impeller (Galaxy X5 4S)
Servo Six 9g
Recommended Battery (Not Included) 4S 2200~3300mAh Li-Po
Approx Flight Time Up to 5 MINUTES with the EDF unit.
Assembly Time Approx 10 mins
Purchase link to plane: https://www.bananahobby.com/5-ch-xfly-model-swift-2100-rc-glider-pnp.html
Purchase link for 64 mm nacel edf: https://www.amazon.com/XFLY-MODEL-Nacelle-Version-Optional-Powered/dp/B0CD1BCXV5/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1MZEENK7F8JG5&keywords=x-fly+swift+2100&qid=1707113858&sprefix=x-fly+swift+2100%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-3
Purchase link to receiver I use: https://www.hobbyzone.com/spektrum/receivers/SPMAR620.html?AFFID=529002
Purchase link to Radio I use and love:https://www.hobbyzone.com/spektrum/radio-systems/SPMR10100.html?AFFID=529002
For the glue I use: https://www.amazon.com/00155-RapidFuse-Curing-Purpose-Adhesive/dp/B01F74GGL0/ref=sr_1_4?crid=308S513HML3DJ&keywords=dap+rapid+fuse+glue&qid=1685050878&sprefix=DAP+RAPIE%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-4
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