
WOW! Super RC Mustang || DIY || Cardboard Ford Mustang || How to make Electric Toy Car

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781 Zobrazení
This video show you step by step an amazing RC Ford Mustang Car Build from Cardboard, Battery, DC Motors , RC 2.4 Ghz Radio Control Circuit Card . This is most popular sports car. I hope you everyone like this car and have fun with it.

Material Use in this Mustang

- Cardboard
- 2 BO gear Motor ( buy online)
- RC 2.5 ghz radio control circuit card (buy online)
- Servo Motor for left or right (Buy online)
- Rubber tires (buy from online)
- 4.7 v Chargeable Battery
- 2 led bulbs
- Reflecting film for coloring this car
- Glue Gun
- Four push Button for remote control
- 1.5 volt battery for remote 3 piece

Template link of this car


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