Worlds Smallest Rc Car/Turbo Racing C71 1/76 RC Car #Shorts

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Vloženo před by admin
139 Zobrazení
Hello, this is Banggoood’s new RC car-Turbo Racing C71, it is almost the smallest RC car in the world, a 1/76 full-scale remote control sports car.

If you are interested in the product, you can click the link to buy:

Turbo Racing C71 has made a lot of upgrades on the basis of the previous generation. For example, the speed of the remote control car has become faster, and the effect of the lights has been upgraded. Very good mini remote control car!

If you want to know more product information, you can also wait for our unboxing video. Thank you for watching and wish you a happy life~

Worlds Smallest Rc Car/Turbo Racing C71 1/76 RC Car #Shorts
RC Auta On road Off road

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