World's 2nd Best Single FPV RC Plane Flight, Huge Wind Turbine Crash Accident Highway Truck Chase

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Vloženo před by admin
2,579 Zobrazení
Go to "Gabriel2584" and "nastycop420" for awesome FPV "flying wing" plane vids. For FPV helicopter vids go to "jackyCopter", "geekdisk", "Crashz9" and "serveurperso". ---------------- My sixth FPV flight. Current sensor defect, gets replaced. Running the FPV gear with the flight battery. Recording with EasyCap USB adapter and Notebook, compressing with Xvid. Setup: Modified Multiplex Easystar: Ailerons, Brushless motor Turnigy C2409- 1600 KV ESC NoName or Turnigy, 30A Prop 7x6 2x Multiplex ...
RC Letadla
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    Gou gou gou. O:K: