Wltoys 124017 V2 here is the BEST low cost BRUSHLESS motor BUGGY there is [full review - speed test]

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Wltoys 124017 V2 here is the BEST low cost BRUSHLESS motor BUGGY there is [full review - speed test and jumps]

Wltoys 124017 here is the BEST BUGGY low cost BRUSHLESS motor there is - RTR READY TO USE - here is my full review, link where I got it for less than 120 euros SHIPPED! https://bit.ly/3sQlF1d

Wltoys 124017 brushless New upgraded 4300KV motor 0.7M 19T RTR 1/12 2.4G 4WD 100 km / h (FIND OUT BY WATCHING THIS VIDEO) RC Vehicles for cars Models with ALUMINUM chassis link where I got it for less than 120 euros SHIPPED ! https://bit.ly/3sQlF1d https://bit.ly/3sQlF1d Wltoys 124016 1/12 4WD Desert brushless motor version https://bit.ly/3IeCWaw
Off road

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