Want To Build An RC Car? Here’s 10 Cool Kits We Love! | RC Driver

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138 Zobrazení
We’ve done a bunch of videos that recommend ready to run cars to consider if you’re looking to get into RC. But an awesome viewer reminded us that there are kits too and asked if we would tell our audience about the kits we really enjoyed building. So Greg did just that! Greg walked around the studio and storage area and looked at all the kits he’s recently built up for the channel and picked 10 that jumped out at him as enjoyable builds. If you’re looking for something to build in 2021 and or beyond, there’s some great suggestions here in this video to consider!

Tamiya Comical Avante
Watch The Review: https://youtu.be/qOTUI7e49cY
Buy: https://snp.link/11d5ea41

Traxxas Slash
Watch The Review: NA
Buy: https://snp.link/540eba92

TLR 22 5.0 AC
Watch The Review: https://youtu.be/g5xp2IsaYFs
Buy: https://snp.link/c5efa2c4

Axial Capra
Watch The Review: https://youtu.be/_JqSwkjjhJg
Buy: https://snp.link/16f532c2

Kyosho Ultima
Watch The Review: https://youtu.be/5pGFnmRQ0X4
Buy: https://snp.link/8c75d2f6

Gmade Buffalo
Watch The Review: https://youtu.be/obc9mFaeKkU
Buy: https://snp.link/a015f75e

Element RC Enduro Gatekeeper
Watch The Review: https://youtu.be/JjeVYMua-tE
Buy: https://snp.link/9d7e9fb4

Vanquish VS-410 Pro
Watch The Review: https://youtu.be/rj0PiWdCixk
Buy: https://snp.link/b0ca89fd

Traxxas TRX-4
Watch The Review: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTLKQ_RQ1IfA4ROSJ5_A1oqiDBidK_Die
Buy: https://snp.link/0bccedf9

Tamiya Clod Buster
Watch The Review: https://youtu.be/la4sFoP6KJo
Buy: https://snp.link/33a16535

Tamiya Lunchbox
Watch The Review:
Buy: https://snp.link/0c9eea57

SHOP FOR RC: https://snp.link/dafbfff4
SHOP AT PRO-LINE: http://bit.ly/2Hq4K0G (Use code RCDRIVER10 to save 10% your order)
RC DRIVER SHIRTS & MERCH: https://teespring.com/stores/rc-driver-swag-store
RC GEAR WE USE: https://www.amazon.com/shop/rcdriver_online

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