
Vintage R/C Helicopter - Du-Bro Whirlybird 505

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Vloženo před by admin
873 Zobrazení
Radio Control helicopters had a rough start back in the early 1970's. They were primitive vehicles compared to what's available today and just only had enough controllability to hover or perform slow, forward flight. This heli is an example of the USA's first commercially produced and successful operational model, the Whirlybird 505 designed by Dave Gray and manufactured by Du-Bro, makers of accessories for R/C model airplanes. There is no gyro connected to the tail rotor as one would normally find on a modern R/C heli, the engine rotates on top of the main rotor and the fuel tank rotates under the engine with no means of observing fuel level. If the engine quits, the heli falls as if a supporting string were cut. Flight time is strictly limited to six minutes for safety reasons. Thanks go out to Joel Rosenzwieg for shooting this video!
RC Vrtulníky
heli, radio, control, vintage, flight, rc, helicopter, du-bro, whirlybird

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