VERY RARE 1 of 30 RC RWD DRIFT Chassis - ALL Carbon Fiber 2019 Year of the SUPER SCALE!

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Vloženo před by admin
250 Zobrazení
The RHINOMAX has touched down on US soil! This chassis was created and sold by and individual that has a small RC production based in China. He kept the release to 30 chassis total on this version 1. There are talks that he might be releasing a version 2 sometime in the near future. I’ll definitely be on the look out for that and update you guys the second anythings available. Our plans with this might be unobtainable, that’s how high were reaching lol Stay tuned , There will be tons of content and creating with this chassis #Slowshitdown2020 #Getbacktoscale . Be sure to check us out on Instagram and Youtube @RCsupremacy ! Majority of our content is funneled through those channels first. Thanks for the support everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy New years! #RCsupremacy
On road

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