Very high (approx. 600 ft, 183 m) RC- helicopter flight with movable onboard camera. Very low inverted flying and high speed low pass. Crash caused by failed autorotation!Vibration problem solved.Setup: Standard Thunder Tiger Mini Titan E325
BLC-40 (Standard Motor Timing, No Brake, Fast Throttle Response, Standard Discharge Protection, Heli Mode Without Governor
Hacker A20-6XL
Kokam 2100 11,1V 30C H5
3x Thunder Tiger C1016
1x Futaba S31141x Hitec HS 55 for camera head movementRobbe- Futaba GY-240Align 315 Pro Main Rotor Blades (wooden)- get replaced by Hyperion 325 CFK BladesAlign Tail Rotor Blades for T-Rex 450 (plastic)Graupner- JR MX-16S, 40 MHzR16-SCANApprox. 2600 rpm at headWeight 923 g with movable FlyCamOne2Plastic rotor head gets replaced by an aluminum head
- Kategorie
- RC Nehody
- Tagy
- 3D, 450, 600, absturz, accident, acromaster, afghanistan, airbus, aircraft, align, amazing, apache, ashley, auto, autorotation, barack, bike, boeing, britney, cam, camera, car, chopper, cobra, compilation, crash, crazy, deadly, flight, fly, flycamone2, fuck, funny, gta, heli, helicopter, high, highest, hilton, hubschrauber, insane, iraq, jet, kills, lucky, mini, multiplex, musical, nazi, obama, onboard, paris, plane, porn, r/c, rc, scale, school, sex, simpson, spears, ss, star, t-rex, thunder, tiger, tisdale, titan, tomcat, turbine, unfall, vietnam, war, wars, youtube