Unleash the Power of the X-Fly F-22 Raptor!

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GO GET ONE HERE https://www.bananahobby.com/4-ch-xfly-model-f-22-raptor-twin-40mm-rc-edf-jet-pnp.html?pSearchQueryId=3125099
Get ready to witness the incredible agility of the X-Fly twin 40mm Raptor as it takes on the elements! Join us as we navigate the intense winds, perform thrilling close-hand fly-bys, and showcase the impressive capabilities of this amazing flyer. Perfect for on-the-go enthusiasts, this compact powerhouse is a must-have for any RC aircraft collection. #XFlyF22Raptor #RCFlying #RemoteControlAircraft #ExtremeAgility #CompactPowerhouse #RCEnthusiast #HighPerformance #WindResistance #FlyBy #ThrillingExperience
00:00 Introduction
00:11 iN FLIGHT
RC Stíhačky

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