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We hunker down behind the blast doors and quickly record part 2 of our space episode before 426 manages to get through. That’ll make more sense once you hear the episode, or maybe it won’t! I may have gotten carried away on the sound design on this one.
We are still exploring the parallels between space and deep-ocean exploration. It really feels like technology and access is really accelerating in both spheres. Don calls in to teach us about the amount of water in our solar system and the potential new job title – Planetary Oceanographer.
When an incredible piece of tech grants us access to an exciting new frontier, it can be hard to manage all the different things we would like to do. Alan relays how on his expeditions data is first shared with the host nations and then access is requested.
When samples or access to a vehicle is limited, how can we ensure that resources are shared fairly? We have seen it led to disagreements on ships. With something as singular and precious as a Mars rover, how are its objectives planned? Evan Hilgemann, mechanical engineer and Curiosity Rover driver with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JLP). We chat about the parallels between exploring mars and exploring the deep sea, the similar issues we face, what we can learn from each other and most excitingly, where is technology heading on both fronts? It turns out fleets of distributed intelligence rovers on the moon or a steam-punk rover on Venus aren’t all that farfetched.
We are also on
Twitter: @ArmatusO
Facebook: ArmatusOceanic
Instagram: @armatusoceanic
Read the show notes and find out more about us at:
Autonomous - Something which can get on with things without human control
AUV - Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Distributed intelligence – a very fuzzy term but basically multiple ‘stupid’ elements working together to do complex processing or make complex decisions.
Hadal - Areas more than 6000 m deep, mainly the deep-ocean trenches
JPL - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicle
Transect - A quantitative survey of an area. You fly a set path and quantify everything on it.
Evans Twitter
Evans Newsletter
Steampunk Rover
Theme – Hadal Zone Express by Märvel
Logo image
Curiosity rover – NASA
World's Largest Ball of Twine, Darwin, Minnesota - postcard
We hunker down behind the blast doors and quickly record part 2 of our space episode before 426 manages to get through. That’ll make more sense once you hear the episode, or maybe it won’t! I may have gotten carried away on the sound design on this one.
We are still exploring the parallels between space and deep-ocean exploration. It really feels like technology and access is really accelerating in both spheres. Don calls in to teach us about the amount of water in our solar system and the potential new job title – Planetary Oceanographer.
When an incredible piece of tech grants us access to an exciting new frontier, it can be hard to manage all the different things we would like to do. Alan relays how on his expeditions data is first shared with the host nations and then access is requested.
When samples or access to a vehicle is limited, how can we ensure that resources are shared fairly? We have seen it led to disagreements on ships. With something as singular and precious as a Mars rover, how are its objectives planned? Evan Hilgemann, mechanical engineer and Curiosity Rover driver with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JLP). We chat about the parallels between exploring mars and exploring the deep sea, the similar issues we face, what we can learn from each other and most excitingly, where is technology heading on both fronts? It turns out fleets of distributed intelligence rovers on the moon or a steam-punk rover on Venus aren’t all that farfetched.
We are also on
Twitter: @ArmatusO
Facebook: ArmatusOceanic
Instagram: @armatusoceanic
Read the show notes and find out more about us at:
Autonomous - Something which can get on with things without human control
AUV - Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Distributed intelligence – a very fuzzy term but basically multiple ‘stupid’ elements working together to do complex processing or make complex decisions.
Hadal - Areas more than 6000 m deep, mainly the deep-ocean trenches
JPL - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicle
Transect - A quantitative survey of an area. You fly a set path and quantify everything on it.
Evans Twitter
Evans Newsletter
Steampunk Rover
Theme – Hadal Zone Express by Märvel
Logo image
Curiosity rover – NASA
World's Largest Ball of Twine, Darwin, Minnesota - postcard