Team D-Style RC Drift 1/10 Car Trailer

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Vloženo před by admin
1,445 Zobrazení
RC Drift Stuff Here's a scale version of a car trailer, it's very easy to build. Its also good to just park your car on the trailer for display. The AE86 belongs to D-Myx and he's also driving the truck while I film. enjoy )
On road
Team, D-style, Counter-steer, counter, steering, Arai, Groovy, drift, hpi, yokomo, tamiya, ae86, speedway, pal, sun, pros, D1GP, formula, Msc, wrecked, magazine, Speedhunters, japan, falken, orange, d10, factory, rc, tokyo, 2009, videos, 2008, fast, and, the, furious, sfl, Sg, drifters, style, rebull, dori, D-like, Works, Ebisu, Ota-r, Alex, cer, driftstagedlike777

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