Team Associated RC B64D 4wd 1/10 Buggy - Build Time-lapse

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Vloženo před by admin
394 Zobrazení
I got my hands on one of the hot new Team Associated B64D 4wd buggy kits last weekend and built it up right away. This is a time lapse of the build from start to finish. The build was pretty much flawless, nothing really worth noting other than some trial and error in the shimming of the differentials but that is no big deal.

Special thanks to Joey at Pitstop Hobbies and Raceway for the killer deal on the kit. Check them out if you are in the central/southern PA area!!

I equipped the car with a Reedy motor, Hobbywing ESC, Hitec Servo, powered by Orion batteries and Futaba radio system, on Jconcepts tires.

Team Associated...
Reedy Electronics...
Futaba 4PX radio...
Off road

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