Tamiya Grasshopper Vs. Tamiya Hornet - RC Rally 01 - ‘The legends clash!‘

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Vloženo před by admin
77 Zobrazení
The RC legends clash!

The Tamiya Grasshopper takes on it's old rival the Tamiya Hornet in a series of 3 race stages with the overall fastest time declaring the winner.

Three stages -The fastest overall time over the three stages .....wins!

For anyone who cares i’ve added a league table to keep track of results .

Points awarded thus :
1st place - 9pts
2nd place - 4pts
3rd place - 1pt ( if applicable)

Please note - These races are by no means definitive.

Both buggies have been upgraded with bearings and a Tamiya Torque Tuned motor. Both running on 7.2V nimh 3300 mah batteries.

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RC Auta

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