Tamiya DT01 Fighter Buggy RX vs Rising Fighter Track Run Comparison - Hopper vs Hopper!

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181 Zobrazení
Hello friends! In this video we take the Tamiya DT-01 Fighter Buggy RX Memorial and run it around the same track as we ran the Tamiya Rising Fighter a couple of weeks ago. The idea was to get a feel for the DT-01 around the track and compare the running and handling to the Rising Fighter. Both RC buggies share a similar chassis design, with swing-arm front suspension and a rigid rear axle and motor assembly - commonly referred to as "Hoppers" due to their similarity with the Tamiya Grasshopper, and also their tendency to "hop" the rear end up and down over the bumps!
You will hear commentary on both buggies from me, and I have included some of the Rising Fighter footage as a direct lap comparison - Plus - I timed the laps! Which Tamiya RC buggy is fastest?

The Fighter Buggy RX Memorial is totally stock apart from bearings.
The Rising Fighter is heavily modified, including bearings, oil shocks, a gearbox brace, Narrow ribbed front wheels + tyres and a faster 21 turn Absima Eco Thrust motor.

Many thanks to my good friend, Rob, @Rob Brennan RC - for the filming and additional comments in this video.
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