Tame zzzz Beast

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180 Zobrazení
Trying to rip with this 6" SpaceOne - Aurora
These Konasty Moonboots are beast! I really need to tune this quad and put some better props on it
The list of crap parts I have on this thing
using some bent up sanded Emax LR props
A wierd looking F4 Flight Controller - cheap junk duplicate
Some 50A ESC thing with lots of wires - cheap - has dshot 600
Runcam swift v1
Dont forget the knock off junk old school dip switch 200mw VTX Mad Scientist 5.8ghz Antenna
Old Repaired FrSky x4r reciever
Not sure what battery probably warn out with some junk stuck to the hella sticky electrical tape... they are a mess...

-HD Video -
GoPro Session5 - Recorded Superview 1080p 59.94fps
-On the Ground-
Mad Scientist Custom 5.8GHz VTX/Goggle Antennas
FPV Goggle Module ImmersionRC Rapid+Fire
Fatshark T2 HD2
FrSky R9-lite
FrSky X-lite- Transmitter https://www.banggood.com/FrSky-Taranis-X-LITE-2_4GHz-ACCST-16CH-RC-Transmitter-Red-Black-for-RC-Racing-Drone-p-1257443.html?p=6Z23079654447201703I

Backup Goggle - FXT Viper Box Goggles -

Follow Also On INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/hadleysfamousfpv/
My Personal Music Play List I Listen To - Spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/1283080929/playlist/1cGLRiBWhXm85x4CwqgSs3?si=YvTliEEwTfKQB59k5iSZ5w
RC Stíhačky

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