Su-35 + F-16 ✈️ FPV Mid Air Collision!! ???? ????

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These videos are QUITE old (July 2018)... but I never got to edit and post them so here they are, at long last, lol.

I was practicing formation flight with a Club mate, myself on the Su-35, him flying a Freewing F-16, but he was barely starting and his technique wasn't fine enough at that point, which eventually led to a mid air collision. Thankfully both jets took it gracefully and we could land without further issues. We never found his missing rail and I was rewarded with a 'battle scar' on the inwards-looking side of the right duct, just ahead of the nozzle, lol. ( :

Wish we would have made more flights but he left the hobby shortly afterwards. :'(

Here are a few 'better' FPV flights you may want to check out in the meantime if you like this!

Enjoy the action!
FPV jets rule! :DDD

These were Nadya's flights 32nd to 34th.

Su-35 pilot: RC4ever
F-16 pilot: Víctor Cano
Airfield: Club Aeromodelisme Els Cards
Music: Ace Combat 4


Regarding my SU-35 setup:

This is a highly modded Freewing SU-35S. It includes an autopilot controller and an FPV head tracking visual system that makes the plane effectively a UAV/RPA. (Stabilizing functions not active in the flights shown).

The 'autopilot' is a FeiYu-Tech FY-41AP and it also provides the OSD seen on the FPV window.

Just as virtual reality 'VR' goggles are used to play videogames, here a similar technique is used to watch what the plane sees in real time just like if you were sitting in the plane's cockpit, and the camera will follow your head movements!

This is kind of 'reality virtualized' as opposed to 'virtual reality' ... what do you think about it? I encourage you to leave your thoughts in the comments section below!

As for the jet itself, the SU-35S is well known for its supermaneuverability features, that are a result of a good aerodynamic design coupled with the use of thrust vectoring nozzles.

The pilot displays a few post-stall maneuvers using the TV nozzles that would be otherwise impossible to perform with a normal jet aircraft.


Airplane: Freewing SU-35S dual 70mm EDF
Motors: 2x RC Lander 6S DPS
Rotors: 2x Wemotec Mini Classic (5 blades)
Fan shrouds: Stock Freewing (4 stator vanes)
ESCs: 2x 80A Hobbywing Premium
Servos: Corona DS-939MG
Taileron servos: Turnigy TGY-306G
Receivers: 2x FrSky RX8R working in D16 mode, one with telemetry.
Rx Battery: Rhino 2S 610mAh
Main Battery: Turnigy Panther 6S 5000mAh 75C
Video Tx: Boscam 5.8G 32ch 600mW Wireless AV Transmitter
FPV cam: Eachine OKKAN EK1119
Autopilot/OSD: FeiyuTech FY-41AP

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