Starting rc cars: Ofna LX Pro v Schumacher Rascal

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Vloženo před by admin
1,334 Zobrazení
It's spring and a mans heart turns to starting those rc buggies that have had to stay indoors for those long cold wet winter months (well the last month or so anyway, the weather in the UK has been horrible). Primed up my 1/8th scale OFNA Ultra LX Pro (also known as a Hong Nor Ultra GT) and it started first pull, having not been used for 6 weeks... I always use after run oil and keep these babies in good condition. My Rascal has always been a b****r to start and today it proved to be no different. Sometimes it can take a good 10 minutes to start!
Off road
buggy, car, control, gt, hong, nitro, nor, r/c, radio, truck, ultra

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