
Self made electric RC boat run #2

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Vloženo před by admin
1,030 Zobrazení
Another run with a close up of the boat in the beginning. Moved the battery to the front for more prop lift to not kill the engine :D Not a to long run, because it was getting darker and 30seconds later it was raining :D Batteries are getting old and bit worser (bout 5years old now and use frequently in my RC car). Haven't had time due to exams to put the electronic parts in a safe place, but waiting for another boat to arrive later.
RC Vodní
self, made, electric, RC, boat, run, #2, zelf, gemaakt, gemaakte, elektro, boot, Radio, Controlled, electro, electricity, cells, nimh, SB6, syn, ESC, XS-6, Synthesizer, System, Graupner, Remote, control

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