Sears LOBO 5 Sears Lobo Road Rat Demo and Race, similar to Nikko Black Panther Nikko Turbo Tyrant

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Vloženo před by admin
259 Zobrazení
Let's take a look at the SEARS LOBO 5 an early 1990's NIKKO RC buggy rebranded for SEARS that looks like it can tackle off road terrane but is really just good for paved surfaces... BUT IT IS STILL SO MUCH FUN! Today we take a look at it!!! This video provides a brief overlook and demo that includes some races. I do three races in total from a first person perspective!

Some Video Notes:

***DISCLAIMER: 4/2/2021 SPECIAL NOTE: The Lobo Road Rat is a bit of a mystery to me as to why it is not labeled as a Lobo 5... when I made this video I could not find enough information about it and I did not remember the box from when I originally got it as a kid... So for this video I did my best to describe it. I believe it is a Lobo but there is an off chance that maybe this one is actually considered a NIKKO with a Lobo decal (Even though all Lobo’s are made by NIKKO and rebranded as LOBO) I just found it odd that this Lobo was not called a "Lobo 5" and did not have a "# 27," So it seams more like a NIKKO to me but I do believe this is actually consdiered a LOBO.... long story short I did pose the question concerning this so if you know anything about it please leave information in the comments... I won't be abl to edit the video but I can add your info into the description, so for the record what I said is not wrong, but was just my observations and some speculation and if you have concrete info on the car please leave the info in the comments! I hope I did not confuse anyone concerning this car in the process!

***DISCLAIMER: 10/21/2020 SPECIAL NOTE: I have not found the exact Nikko equivalent to the Lobo 5 - some Nikko branded versions look almost identical but are actually slightly different (more than a sticker/cosmetic branding change) but strikingly similar to the Lobo 5 are the Nikko “Black Panther” and Nikko "Turbo Tyrant" however, the wheel sizes are not the same as they seem to have larger rear tires, (perhaps an improvement fixing the rear ground clearance) nor are the controllers and in some cases even the battery configuration being AA vs 7.2 battery pack the same - so this does not make them carbon copies of each other like we see in other Lobo variations... If you know the answer to this please leave a note in the comments- Thanks!

***This video was filmed in October 2020.

***Music by imovie (no artist) "bright"

***Music was kept to a minimum during the car operation scenes so that people could hear some of the RC sounds without any other sound drowning it out

*** I filmed 3 races, the Lobo 5 won all 3 races against the Lobo Road Rat, but the 2nd race I crashed and the entire race was not filmed (the camera position moved after the crash without my noticing and filmed the sky so the remainder of that 2nd race was edited out of the film. However, the video contains the full 1st and 3rd races...

***Apologies on the sound and video quality - I had some issues with the phone/camera during filming.

*** 3/29/2021 uploaded for a 4/2/2021 release

THANKS FOR WATCHING!!! More Vintage RC Videos on the way :-)
Off road

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