ScaleModel World Model Show 2021

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Footage from IPMS Scale Model world model show in Telford U.k saw so many awesome models I wanted to get a bit of footage from the convention to share with you guys.

Everything was there from Tanks cars and military vehicles to models depicting scenes from modern and classical movies and even some nice dioramas made from whatever the creator had in there imagination

I took a bit of footage from what was on at the show to make this video but it barely scratches the surface as to what was there.

After covid, the show was not as big as it should be but the convention was still really really big there were so many scale models on show that I didn't really know where to start looking around, as well as so many model stores containing all the latest releases in the modelling world

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the video of the cool scale models that were on show

Until next time look after your selves I hope you have a good one
RC Stíhačky

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