S3 Ep 53: Half Past Black (Langston Kerman and David Gborie) | MY MOMMA TOLD ME

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S3 Ep 53: Half Past Black (Langston Kerman and David Gborie) | MY MOMMA TOLD ME

Is there such thing as "Color People Time"? Langston and David sit down for the first time together in the studio. They answer a listener's email about this conspiracy theory. They discuss the white standards with time construct and how Jesus gets involved. Is A.D. and B.C. even necessary? How tall was Mohammed? All these questions don't get answered, but hey, we know for a fact no one likes a time Nazi. White people need to chill about time and we pray for Scottie Pippen.

Send your conspiracy theories, music drops, and any problematic talks to mymommapod@gmail.com

Original Air Date: August 29, 2023

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Comedian Langston Kerman and his guests take a deep dive into the most exciting, groundbreaking and sometimes problematic Black conspiracy theories. They’ll cover silly conspiracies, scary conspiracies and conspiracies they learned from that uncle who used to wear jeans when he went swimming in the public pool.

New episodes twice a week on iHeartRadio.

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