RRR Summer Challenge Aug 4, 2024 - Touring Stock E Mains

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21 Zobrazení
Ready to Run Raceway
Vancouver, BC
August 3rd and 4th - Summer Challenge Race
Touring Stock E Mains

00:00 Introduction
00:20 E1 Main Race
05:50 E1 Results
06:00 E2 Main Race
11:22 E2 Results

Trouble in the Qualifiers the day before the mains produced a HORRIBLE starting position in the E Main. I was fighting the car the entire time in the Qualifiers where it would just spin out in the sweeper and a few other places. The culprit was a bad mechanic issue where the Camber was negative front left, positive front right, and opposite in the rear making the car behave really poorly.

Chassis: XRAY T4 (2018)
Motor: Hobbywing Xerun V10 17.5t
Servo: PERT PI-3431
Battery: ORCA 6390 2S 135C
Radio: FlySky Noble
RC Auta On road Off road

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