Ke stavbě mě inspirovala zdařilá konstrukce Scotta z Nového Zealandu se kterým jsem se náhodně seznámil a jsme stále v kontaktu. Jde o prvního modeláře který stavbu rozmetadla dokončil a provozuje s použitím popela, já používám strouhanku a různé drobnější zemědělské plodiny. Základem je plastový trychtýř polepený folií, konstrukci tvoří hliník a díly vytištěné na 3D tiskárně z filamentů PETG a PLA. Přípravné výkresy převedl do tiskové podoby a vše vytiskl Zdeněk Černý který má na vzniku rozmetadla zásadní podíl a byla to radostná společná práce s výborným výsledkem. Rozmetadlo je zcela autonomní, má vlastní přijímač, střídavý motor s regulátorem otáček, malé servo a Lipo baterii 2S 1300mAh. Celková váha rozmetadle je 1,1kg a s maximální náplní dosahuje až 3,4kg. Rozmetadlo je kompatibilní s každou ze tří maket které provozuji.
I was inspired to build it by the succesfull design of Scott from New Zealand who I met by chance and we are still in touch. He is the first modeller to complete and operate a spreader using ash, I use breadcrumbs and various smaller agricultural crops. The base is a plastic funnel covered with foil, the structure is aluminum and the parts are 3D printed on a 3D printer from PETG and PLA filaments. The preparatory drawings were converted into print form and everything was printed by Zdeněk Černý who has a major share in the creation of the spreader and it was a joyful joint work with excellent results. The scatterer is completely autonomous, it has its own receiver, AC motor with speed controller, small servo and Lipo 2S 1300mAh battery. The total weight of the scatterer is 1,1kg and with the maximum charge it reaches up to 3,4kg. The spreader is compatible with each of the three layouts I run.
I was inspired to build it by the succesfull design of Scott from New Zealand who I met by chance and we are still in touch. He is the first modeller to complete and operate a spreader using ash, I use breadcrumbs and various smaller agricultural crops. The base is a plastic funnel covered with foil, the structure is aluminum and the parts are 3D printed on a 3D printer from PETG and PLA filaments. The preparatory drawings were converted into print form and everything was printed by Zdeněk Černý who has a major share in the creation of the spreader and it was a joyful joint work with excellent results. The scatterer is completely autonomous, it has its own receiver, AC motor with speed controller, small servo and Lipo 2S 1300mAh battery. The total weight of the scatterer is 1,1kg and with the maximum charge it reaches up to 3,4kg. The spreader is compatible with each of the three layouts I run.
- Kategorie
- RC Vrtulníky