Remote control car enthusiasts at Edenvale’s Remote Control RC Drift Circuit for the 2019 Yokomo SA

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Remote control car enthusiasts flocked to Edenvale’s Remote Control (RC) Drift Circuit for the 2019 Yokomo SA RC Drift Nationals. The video shows racers practicing on the track. Held over the weekend of August 30 and September 1, the nationals had three categories, rear-wheel drive (RWD), all-wheel drive (AWD) and concourse (body shell competition).
Out of the 40 drivers, the top nine were:
•Rear-wheel drive category’s top drivers were Vivian Grobler (first), Richard Shih (second) and Dirk Reinecke (third).
•The all-wheel-drive category’s top drivers were Vivian Grobler (first), Francesco Stemmet (second) and Llewellyn Royan (third).
• The concourse category’s top drivers were Francois Gerber (first), Kevin Scrooby (second) and Wayde Gerber (third).
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