Real Life Plane Crashes Recreated in Lego

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Five Lego Plane Crashes based off true stories featuring slow motion shots, realistic plane models and facts and figures. ✈️

Don't worry, I didn't lose any Lego pieces.
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Time spent editing this video - 17 hours in 1 week
First crash filmed 25 July, video finished 1.5 months later (4 September)

Air Florida Flight 90 struggled to climb and collided with a bridge over the Potomac immediately after takeoff. This was due to the pilots failing to de-ice the engines properly in the snowy weather.

Alaska Airlines Flight 261 experienced a malfunction with the horizontal stabilizer which made the plane pitch down uncontrollably. The plane's second dive caused it to violently impact the ocean, making survival impossible for all souls onboard. The plane flew inverted before impact, this was an action of the heroic pilots trying anything to keep the plane from diving.

Japan Airlines Flight 123 experience an explosion soon after takeoff due to the aft pressure bulkhead failing. Incorrect repairs after a tail strike seven years prior caused it to weaken. The blast damaged vital instruments and the tail detached, making the 747SR almost uncontrollable. The startled pilots heroically kept the plane in the air for half an hour.

Air France 447 was providing false speed readings for the pilots due to some instruments freezing. Not knowing what speed they were at, they incorrectly pitched the plane upwards, causing the speed to reduce and the plane was sent into an unrecoverable stall over the Atlantic.

The Tenerife Airport Disaster occured due to a KLM 747 taking off without permission, colliding with a fully loaded PAN AM. Both planes were diverted to this airport and weather conditions were extremely misty, making it too late for the KLM to abort the takeoff once the PAN AM was in sight.

Rest In Peace to all people lost in these disasters.
Lessons learned following these disasters have made aviation much safer for us today.

-GoPro Hero 9 Black
-Ricoh Orange Waterproof
-Google Pixel 6 Pro
-Google Pixel 6a
-Google Pixel 4 XL
-Google Pixel 2

Every plane in this video was a custom slightly modified set. The parts are from these sets: 60104, 3181, 7893.

Sanctuary by Scott Buckley released under CC-BY 4.0.
Within Our Nature by Scott Buckley released under CC-BY 4.0.
A Kind Of Hope by Scott Buckley released under CC-BY 4.0.
Chasing Daylight by Scott Buckley released under CC-BY 4.0.

#lego #planecrash #plane #truestory #legoplanecrash
RC Stíhačky

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