Rd3 Heat4 NC1904

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Vloženo před by admin
63 Zobrazení
Hi everyone,

A great night of buggy and rally car racing, even though it was non championship week for the buggies it was still fast paced and enthusiastic! Thank you all for taking part it was good to hear people communicating with the marshals and drivers which is a great effort to all work together on good sportsmanship - http://www.forcc.co.uk/?p=3370

Some of these videos do show drivers not waiting after causing an incident, cutting corners and marshals who weren’t paying attention recovering vehicles in the wrong order. Please try to RACE and MARSHAL as you would like to be treated and give each other space, be more vocal on stage saying if you are leading and lapping, help marshals see incidents if the vehicle is behind them but remember we are all human and don’t have 7 hands, if you are recovered ahead of your competitor, be respectful and wait if safe to do so or allow them the position back further round the lap. If everyone behaves the same way, everyone can have a great night and enjoy the racing safely.

That said, the bulk of the videos show some brilliant racing with some very fast laps and great overtaking while staying clear of other people’s incidents, well done everyone.

Remember everyone needs to be wearing reflective jackets when marshalling, so please make sure you have one ready for the new season.

Thank you, Mark

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Faversham Off-Road Car Club (FORCC) is a Kent based RC Club, racing 1/10th Scale 2WD, 4WD and Short Course Trucks. We welcome everyone from seniors to juniors on Wednesday nights in Boughton-under-Blean, please feel free to come and say hi, let us know who you are and what you enjoy about RC racing.

Our website - http://www.forcc.co.uk/?page_id=15
Our Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Faversham-Off-Road-Car-Club-667575600015641
Our YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFVX3r29hjLPg3nMK-RJugg/videos
Our Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/faversham_forcc/
Our email- theforcc@gmail.com
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