R/C Tank Battle (March '08) PART ONE

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Vloženo před by admin
2,058 Zobrazení
This is part one. Click on our screen name to find parts 2&3 then continue watching. These are highlights from the "H*E*A*T Spring Open" in March, 2008 at the AAF Tank Museum in Danville, Virginia. Scenes from radio control 1/16th scale tank battles using "laser tag" devices. Click "HQ" for highest quality video. Part 1 shows the tankers at their workbenches discussing R/C tanks. Parts 2 and 3 of the video shows highlights of the team competition battles at the Danville indoor battlefield ...
RC Ostatní
1/16, Tamiya, scale, model, building, heng, long, radio, control, RC, armor, panzer, tiger, panther, sherman, patton, rommel, WWII, battle, combat, explode, blow, up, cannon, machine, gun, D-Day, Normandy, France, Bulge, Kursk, World, War, Two, Cub, Boy, Scouts, of, America, AAF, Tank, Museum

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