
RC Racing S6 Episode 4 - Vegas F1 and GTs plus Large Scale Touring Cars

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Our entire back catalogue is available on rcracing.tv This month we have the most popular motorsport in miniature - We're in Las Vegas for Scotty Ernsts' awesome IIC event with the brand new and fantastic F1 class and then some World GT action - Touring Cars are then to the fore with the EFRA Euros from Germany!
RC Auta
F1, Formula, one, Ferrari, Maclaren, Sauber, perez, RC, Racing, Cars, radio control, IFMAR, EFRA, HPI, Hot bodies, Traxxas, Associated, Kyosho, Yokomo, TLR, Savage, Season, Hara, Tamiya, Baja, Masami, Hirosaka, Nitro, Electric, IC, ISTC, 1:10, 1:8, 1:12, 1/10, 1/12, 1/8, off road, on road, schumacher, Formula One (Sport), Alonso, Hamilton, Button

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