RC Helicopter Hirobo Sceadu Electric Conversion - MD500 Fuselage

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Vloženo před by admin
144 Zobrazení
Well, I think it's time I finally open up my heart and mind to RC Helicopters. I used to love choppers, but my first flight instructor didn't like them so much. He went around referring to them as angry palm trees, and his attitude rubbed off.

Being down at the WRCS field on Sundays has warmed my cold, cold heart in the spot where helicopters are concerned however. What a great way to get back into these phenomenal machines.

Craig was kind enough to let me film his Hirobo Sceadu (Skee-doo) and talked to me about the helicopter as well. Please see the related pilot interview here:

I hope you enjoy watching the video as much as I enjoyed filming it!

If you're curious about RC flying and would like to come visit our field, check out WRCS:

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Thanks for stopping by and happy flying!

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
RC Vrtulníky

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