
RC Flying with Juan Pablo Montoya at Auto Club Speedway in HD!

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Vloženo před by admin
1,267 Zobrazení
I had the priveledge of spending the day flying with NASCAR Driver #42 Juan Pablo Montoya at the Auto Club Speedway! This event was awesome! Please check out nascar.com and autoclubspeedway.com for more details! To see the Newest and Hottest in RC, and what JPM is flying, visit us at bananahobby.com! The video speaks for itself for the great day with JPM! ~ Pete
RC Stíhačky
Juan, Pablo, Montoya, flies, RC, JPM, NASCAR, #42, Chip, Ganassi, earnhardt, racing, Auto, Club, Speedway, 400, Target, Chevrolet, A-10, Warthog, Radio, Control, Remote, Controlled, R/C, Jet, EDF, Electric, Ducted, Fan, Airplane, bananahobby.com, banana, hobby, blitzrcworks, Tank, Killer, Twin, Brushless, Unit, p-51, Mustang, UMX, lipo, parkzone, eflite, electrifly, F-14, Tomcat, B-2, F-117, F-18, RTF, Ready, to, Fly, PNP, ARF, turbine, 3D, Surfing, Snowboarding, Skateboarding, Volcom, xgames, red, bull, air, races, F-16

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