RC Drift Car from TEMU | Only $3??

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Vloženo před by admin
21 Zobrazení
This is a fun RC drift car that's very inexpensive. Only $2.64 for new users or $22.78 for existing customers.

To get the $100 coupon bundle for free (for all users), please download Temu app searching my code: dnj9629 in Temu search-bar, or use link: https://temu.to/m/uy8f2ujc41a

*Special Gifts: Temu app new users can purchase RC car for only $2.64 TODAY: https://temu.to/m/uy8f2ujc41a

Disclosure **Any listed purchase links may be affiliate links which I get a very small cut to help support the channel and get more r/c products to review. There is no extra cost to you if you choose to purchase via affiliate links**

Do you have an R/C or Real Car product you'd like reviewed? If so email me at rdevall71@gmail.com

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