-RC Car Videos 025- Introduction to my entire RC Collections!

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24 Zobrazení
I'm gonna introduce 14 RC cars i have right now!!
Please don't count how many times I said "you know" and "yeah" hahaha
Recoded on 20240530

Introduction of the uploader Sakura (Short Version):
Japanese guy currently working in Germany.
After 10 years of hiatas, I started to enjoy RC cars again!

My Currently Drivable RC Cars
Touring Cars
1: Sakura Zero S (I) : middle-speed-range 4WD touring chassis. Top Speed : 42km/h (est.)
2: Sakura Zero S (II) : high-speed-range 4WD touring chassis. Top Speed : 76 km/h
3: FF-03 PRO : 1/10 scale FF touring chassis. Top Speed : 43km/h
4: M-05 ver.2 PRO : M size FWD touring chassis. Top Speed : 42km/h
5: M-06 PRO : M size RWD touring chassis. Top Speed : 42km/h
6: Beast Speed Racing Fire Blade: 1/12 Direct Drive Chassis. Top Speed : 53km/h+

Drift Cars
1: OTA-R : Countersteer-drifting chassis, equopped with Gyro and set the CSR to be 109%
2: Drift Package Type C : Normal 4WD drifting chassis
3: Sakura D5 MR Ver.2 : RWD drifting chassis with Revox gyro

Offroad Cars
1: DT-02 : 1/10 RWD offroad buggy.
2: XV-01 PRO: 1/10 4WD offroad chassis.
3: XRT4 High Trail: 4WD crawler.
4: DT-03 : 1/10 RWD offroad buggy. (at first supposed to replace DT-02)
5: Team Associated Rival MT10 V2: Moster Track

Othe Chasses I have experiences with, used to possess
Tamiya : TT-01, TT-01 R, TT-01 Type E, TA-05, TA-05 IFS, TA-05 ver.2, FF-01, FF02, M-03, DF-03 Ra, F103 GT, F104, Mercedes benz C11, Dual Huter
Kyosho : TF-5
HPI : E10, Cyclon S
Absima : AB3.4
Off road

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