
RC Car Paint Stencils - Make Your Own! - Axial Bomber Venom Paint Scheme

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Vloženo před by admin
668 Zobrazení
In this video I show how to make your own RC car paint stencils using simple every day items.

Rc car paint stencils are very simple to make as long as you keep the rc car pattern simple.

I show you the way I do my rc Car paint stencils and how easy it can be with a little patience.

You can use pretty much any rc car paint scheme you want to make awesome custom rc bodies.

Pick any rc car design you want and just simplify it in a silhouette form and transfer the rc car pattern.

RC Car Paint Stencils | rc car paint | rc car design | rc car paint | rc paint | rc car bodies | custom rc body | custom rc cars | rc bodies
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