Suprová RC expedice v Říčanech. Sice sněžilo/pršelo, ale jinak to byla parádní projížďka. Toto video je první část ze 3. Následovat bude průjezd korytem potoka. Tak dejte odběr, aby vám nic neušlo :)
Super RC expedition in Říčany. It was snowing/raining, but otherwise it was a great ride. This video is the first part of 3. A passage through the creek bed will follow. So give a subscription so you don't miss anything :)
Youtube Channel:
Camera: GoPro 9 1440p
Edited on: LG 38KW95C
Super RC expedition in Říčany. It was snowing/raining, but otherwise it was a great ride. This video is the first part of 3. A passage through the creek bed will follow. So give a subscription so you don't miss anything :)
Youtube Channel:
Camera: GoPro 9 1440p
Edited on: LG 38KW95C
- Kategorie
- On road