RC Airshow Slovenia Jet Meeting | Best Moments Part 2 - Eurofighter Typhon(s)

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Part 2 of the huge RC airshow Slovenia Jet Meeting.

We took a closer look of the CARF Eurosport version of the Eurofighter Typhoon.
Featured are solo flight, vectored thrust demo and a tandem flight. Check out the rare RC jet hover display!

Since the Eurofighter Typhone is the main jet of the Austrian Air force, this airplane was the most numerous at the event.
Pilots featured: Uwe Zorn, Stefan Huss, Peter Cmyral

Data from the manufacturer's website:

Wingspan: 66" (1680 mm)
Length: 89" (2250 mm)
Mass: 24 Lbs (11 kg) dry
Turbine: 160 - 180 N

Special thanks to Uwe Zorn for the model and RX presentation!

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