R/C Airplane with 12x Gas Engine Dornier DO-X 1929 Lufthansa Giant RC Scale Flying Boat by M.Bräuer

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Michael Bräuer from Germany build this Dornier DO-X 1929 R/C Airplane with 12x Gas Engine O.S Lufthansa Scale Flying Boat Model.
Wingspan: 4,80 meter
Length: ???

Weight: 60KG
Powerd by: 12x 4 stroke RC O.S Engine

Flown and build by Michael Bräuer Germany

The original: The Do X was a commercial aircraft that was built by the German Dornier works after the First World War and built in 1929.
MORE ????????????X-Tremely RC Airplanes???????????? CLICK HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YncO48P6i4I&list=PLkfYdREELTSkcwzs1XN25yoEyiSMr7oiB

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