RC 1:18.5 Scale Mk.2 PBR #rcboat #scalemodel #rchobby

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First off Sorry for the far camera angles, we can’t really fly safely up close there were too many objects that could pose a hazard to the drone and to property.

Be assured we’ll do another video in a few days or so of this boat up close, this was a scratch build 1:18.5 semi scale PBR.


L: 20 inches
W: 7.5 inches
Weight 1.5 kg with 2200 mah 3s/1.8kg with 5400 mah 3s
2x 370 brushed water jets
2x 120 A esc
2x 9g servo

Link to the real PBR clips.


Link to the Music Used.

RC Stíhačky

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