Praha ZZSHMP RZP 145 | Prague EMS ambulance 145 responding [CZ | 10.8.2016]

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Vloženo před by admin
341 Zobrazení
Prague Emergency Medical Services (Zdravotnická Záchranná Služba hl. m. Prahy, short ZZSHMP) ambulance 145 responding.
Read more about the newer current units in the description of that video:
Notice that 145 does not have the newest flash pattern. Not sure when exactly 145 was purchased. Apparently the manufacturer of the ambulance did, once again, not properly install the lights. The rear corners of the lightbar are turned off and the grill lights seem to be not connected, just like the manufacturer messed up on 2 of the brand new units.
As of December 2016 Prague EMS also received new vehicles which can be seen here:

Prague, Czech Republic, 8/10/2016.
On road

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