Pentagon says Chinese jet conducted 'aggressive' maneuver near U.S. military plane

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미 “중국 전투기, 남중국해서 미 정찰기에 공격적 기동”

The United States Pentagon has claimed that a Chinese military jet engaged in an (quote) "unnecessarily aggressive" maneuver near a U.S. military plane.
It said the incident occurred in international airspace last week over the South China Sea while the U.S. plane was conducting what it called “safe and routine operations”.
Footage from the event shows the Chinese J-16 aircraft cross in front of the U.S. RC-135 plane leaving turbulence in its wake.
A spokesperson for China's embassy in Washington responded that the U.S. needs to "stop deflecting blame on China."
And according to the Chinese military the U.S. aircraft "deliberately intruded" into its training area.
Relations between Washington and Beijing have been increasingly strained since former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the self-governing island of Taiwan last August and the U.S. shot down a Chinese spy balloon off the U.S. coast in February.

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2023-06-01, 09:00 (KST)
RC Stíhačky

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