Painting An RC Car

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
3,152 Zobrazení
My new shell just arrived! decided to paint it as soon as i could :P Its a Nissan Silvia S15 from any questions just post a comment or message me, hope you enjoyed the video, sorry i rushed the end it was because i ran out of time :( that's why in some parts of the video it looks like bits have been cut out (because they have xD) I forgot to mention, always use spray that says 'For Polycarbonate' or spray that will adhere to lexan, otherwise you paint will flake away over time. *STEP BY STEP METHOD OF PAINTING AN RC SHELL* 1) Right out of the box the shell will be part of a huge sheet, you need to cut this with a craft knife, Lexan scissors or an 'exacto' knife. Go around all the edges with a fine grain sand paper for a smooth cut. Avoid using normal scissors to cut out the shell as its extremely hard and there is a high chance you will either UN-evenly cut edges or you will accidentally scratch or cut the inside of the shell. 2) Once you've cut the shell out, wash the inside with warm water and Fairy Liquid with a sponge or cloth. Let it dry naturally or use a blow dryer or heat gun, avoid using paper towels or tissues as they leave behind lint. 3) Mark out where the body posts go with a sharpie or some other type of marker on the top of the car (not the inside) as the top will have the over spray film on. Use a body reamer or drill to make the holes, I recommend doing this before painting. 4) Apply the window masks, be sure to get rid of all the air ...
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