NitroTek Lighting Strike: First run in 11 years of Nitro RC Car

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Vloženo před by admin
249 Zobrazení
Around 2007, I bought a 1/10 scale NitroTek Lightning Strike Nitro RC Car.

It was used a few times between 2007 and 2009 (where I crashed it into a fence post and broke a wheel), before being put into it's box until the present day. I don't know the exact price I paid for it, but I think it was around £150, although I could be way off on the price.

As for the specs, they are as follows:

Model: NO:LS-N
Type: 4WD GP Buggy
Engine: Single cylinder engine.
Engine size: .18 (2.95cc)
Tank size: 75cc
Transmission: Two-speed automatic
Gear Ratios: 1:5:84 (H) 1:8:58 (L)
Radio: 2 Channel AM @ 27Mhz
Length: 400mm
Width: 250mm
Height: 160mm
Off road

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