Newark Radio Controlled Car Club - A final 6/09/2024 on ETS carpet. Xray X4 '23

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Newark Radio Controlled Car Club - A final 6/09/2024

Some small changes made from last week to test out and with a fresh set of the spoked Rush 28 tyres I hit practice and the car felt great, but come round 1 it had no grip at all. Figuring the tyres just needed some laps I carried on, but nothing really to be happy about. The same in round 2.

For round 3 I fitted my pretty much spent Rush 30 tyres and instantly the car was amazing going 3rd (FTD qualifying).

Clean start for everyone in the final with Joshua pulling out a decent lead until a mishap dropped him back into the pack. A couple of small errors on my part saw me fall back to 5th, but being in the right place at the right time paid off when I could move up to 3rd. Again I was there for David's uncharacteristic mishap out of the sweeper to move up to 2nd. From then on I was trying to reel Lisa running ever so slightly quicker at around 0.2 a lap the clock expired when I got to 2.0 secs behind. Still happy with how the car performed.

Xray X4 '23
Rush 30 tyres
Hobbywing XR10 G2S
Hobbywing G3R 17.5
LRP 6100mah lipo
Reedy servo

#xrayracing #hobbywingesc #reedypower #lrp #hudy
RC Auta On road Off road

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