New York Winter Championships MakinTraxx RC 4WD Buggy A3

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220 Zobrazení
We were at the 6th Annual New York Winter Championship hosted by Veracity RC. This was the 2nd time that the event was held at MakinTraxx RC in Rush, NY.

Brian Davin and the Kothman family did an amazing job running the event.

This weekend was our 1st race with Xray Team. Dylan was a little nervous but excited to run the cars and work with the team.

Friday practise went well. Dylan spend the day just getting a feel for the both cars.

2wd qualifying was a bit of a struggle as we’re still getting use to the car. Dylan was able to finish both 1st and 2nd round, however a motor issue prevented us from finishing round 3.
4wd qualifying went very well! Dylan felt very comfortable with the XB4’19 finishing all 3 rounds and qualified 8th overall.

We started 4th in 2wd buggy D Main. A couple of mistake early on had Dylan fall to the back of the pack. He drove hard and slowly began moving up through the field. He was in 3rd a closing the gap on the lead 2 cars, but traction rolled on the last lap. He finished 3rd.

We started 8th in 4wd buggy A Main. Dylan ran well in all 3 rounds of the A finals and finished 8th overall.

We would to thank Mark Sousa and Andrew Rizzo for their help throughout the weekend. Like to thank Mark for lending us his cars. Also like to thank all the sponsors for supporting the event.
RC Auta On road Off road

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