(NEW) E-Flite EC-1500 Twin Cargo Plane. (Un-Boxing and Build,Then Out for Testing)

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329 Zobrazení
Stoutly built plane with lots of room. A lot Lighter than it looks, I can see why it will go vertical, especially with twin Timber Turbo BL-15 Motors and AWESOME Large 6 Bladed Props. The instant torque and speed of this almost took off during taxi testing.
Big Thanks to Marty and Mike for bringing this plane by to share with me and ALL of You out there. Except for the price...Tarriffs…. It's a GREAT Plane.
Do wish it had retracts though, However a PNP version could be used and all kinds of customizing options open up. Thumbs up so far, Let's see how she flies Tomorrow, Weather permitting. Wish Marty Luck, and Happy Flying from Skip and the Crash Test Boyz.
RC Stíhačky

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