NEW Cessna RC Plane! | Arrows 1400mm Sky Cruiser Unboxing & Assembly

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Check out the Arrows 1400mm Sky Cruiser here!
Today we're unboxing and assembling the brand new Arrows 1400mm Sky Cruiser. This is my first Arrows plane, and i'm super excited to maiden it. This is a BIG RC Plane and the details are great. The assembly is more involved then other RC planes, but the outcome makes it all the worth it. #rcplane #cessna #rcairplane

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Glue I used for assembly:
Good glue for plastic:

00:00 Welcome to the Arrows 1400mm Sky Cruiser Unboxing & Assembly!
01:08 Openin’ the box!
02:53 How to install the nose gear
04:07 How to install rear landing gear
04:37 How to install control horns on flaps & ailerons
06:04 Gluing in bottom wing supports
06:20 What glue I use for RC Planes
07:49 Gluing wing supports to the wings
08:49 How to install antennas
09:27 How to install the wings (PS BE CAREFUL!)
13:18 Wiring Update
14:03 How to install wing supports
14:29 How to install control horns on elevator
14:37 how to install control horn on rudder
14:45 Gluing vertical stabilizer to horizontal stabilizer
15:00 Gluing rear end to fuselage
15:32 Installing control rods from servo to control horns
16:37 Gluing in final details
16:46 How to install the propeller
17:35 Wiring management
18:13 Everything is installed!
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